What is our location?

We are located in Turkey. We are on a click away in case of any queries. We welcome questions, inquiries and any kind of surveys. In order to provide and effective communication to customers we offer specials services for this. Our contact center is open in official timings whereas email is other way to approach us.

What is the procedure of admission?

The degree programs we offer are quite easy to each. Anyone who finds himself eligible according to the eligibility criteria can consult us and submit an online application form. Once application for admission is approved a person can deposit his fee and so on. The merit list is displayed or people are informed via email about their admissions.

What is the application cost?

The application downloading and submitting is free of cost; moreover reviewing an application does not require any fee too.

What our staff tries to achieve?

The purpose of our staff is to acquaint students with knowledge, skills, wisdom and experience of working. The competence level is increased by our manual tests which are designed in degree programs. The whole degree can be ordered where it takes only seven whole days to earn degree.

Can student apply in various degree programs?

A student can enroll himself in various degrees at the same time. The eligibility of student determines if he is eligible for various degrees or not. He can participate in multiple degree programs. This is another interesting fact that we offer discount on various degree programs.

What is IUST University Accreditation?

The university is fully accredited with The Accrediting Commission of International Colleges and Universities (ACICU). More information about accreditation can be checked on websIte of ACICU.

What graduation date will be on my degree?

You should select the graduation date that best coincides with your experience. You may back date your degree to match your experience. The end of May and the middle of December are the most traditional times of the year.